The about me section has been updated on the about me section on jerlyn thomas dot com.
I decided to add a few photos, why not. It makes me more personal. I will post REAL new work soon.
Ok, fine I will post one now. I have been working along with Danah Givens to create the Mission School’s website. We are kind of happy about it. We hope to have it launched soon, I have been trying to remove the kinks. Sorry not in AS3. I have been slow to upgrade… I have tried Flex though and it’s phenomenal! – well, not for the site. Here’s how it looks:
the shot alone is powerful. hum.. er.. ( no offense ) feel free to delete this post if it offends you. But i firmly think you need to work on a colour scheme. I bought one of these Pantone colours and trust me there are an unfinite of web friendly colours that you could use for your main site.typically 3 or 4 or OK a bit work on typography, i believe you are a “generalist” i mean you cover pretty much evey area of the discipline but a little bit here and there. But you have a passion for illustration. How about coding an advanced menu to showcase your illustration like paints. I will stop here i have more to say though .
You’re right, I am actually hating the layout already haha. I have to work the layout :-).