michelle-obama-shortsSo the latest news is about Michelle Obama wearing shorts…. are you serious?

Don’t we have real news anymore? The first family are or were an ordinary family before this and I am sure that Mrs. Obama wore shorts before now – so what’s the big deal? Also the shorts were not even booty shorts… If they were then maybe we’d have something to talk about. They weren’t coming from an event or going to an event. I’d understand if she wore this to an official meeting or something. However, it was her vacation!

On the Today Show a woman said that it’s about the photo op and not the shorts themselves. Besides, the media seems to always make you look inappropriate regardless of what you’re dressed in. — I say, stop being so conservative! They represent real life people (which they are) and would you rather that they wear fully clothed outfits in over 100 degree weather and change later when they are supposed to be enjoying time off? I prefer seeing her as ordinary and not bourgeois and unattainable.

Are you saying the pic of her shorts on the left is bad? I think she has nice legs, especially for her age :-). I hope I have legs like that when I get older…

Besides didn’t Obama wear shorts on his vacation (source)? There were pics of him shirtless too :-p.
I wear shorts ( I did the other day in 90 degree weather) and it’s nice seeing that the first lady does things like me. It’s a shame that 17% of voters on the Today Show site thought her shorts were inappropriate. Pffft.

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