Holy shit

I had to share this image…

I spoke much too soon. The apartment that was simply perfect… got taken by someone else. It seems like the landlord didn’t rely on the Realtor company to rent it out, and got renters himself… so back to the drawing board. I LOVED LOVED LOVED that place :(. We are checking some tonight. It seems like I had only little sleep these past days. I only had 3 hours last night.

In all awkward news: I have a baby 1/2 sister according to my dad. It kind of awkward that she somehow shares a similar name with me. Her name is Kerlyn (I just hope she doesn’t get teased) Well, maybe people won’t make the mistake and call her Kerilyn, like they end up calling me Jerilyn. Maybe this would be cool and when she grows up I’ll probably say, aww your name rhymes with mine. Then again, I have the exact name (except middle name) as a cousin of mine and another girl is also Jerlyn Thomas. I swear they all must feel the same. Anyways, ewww kids but congrats at the same time… I guess we sort of have to appreciate women who seem to go through that painful torture of splitting their ___ apart to give birth. Birth can be a beautiful thing, it’s how we all came to be I suppose. Still slightly creepy that I am 23 years older than she is, I’ve had friends who had siblings decades older and now I am one of those (over 2 decades ahhh). Welcome to the harsh, cruel world Kerlyn. I hope she is cute 🙂 I haven’t seen photos yet. I can’t imagine having to wake up in the middle of the night at my dad’s age however – not that he’s old but jeez.

Tim Russert Died! 🙁 so sad. I will forever miss him on Meet the Press. He was such a funny guy and it’s like I know him. I watched him on News 4 a lot :(.

And in disgusting news: R. Kelly got acquitted… what is this world coming to?

1 Comment

  1. […] post her up because she’s too cute for you to see :-). By the way her name is Curlyn, not Kerlyn. Thank God. Still sounds similar but it’s just that I felt like I lost a part of myself when […]

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