Gilbert J. Thomas was shot to death last night around 10PM on the island of St. Croix. He was 18 years old.

Once again another bubble. I didn’t write about this last night because it hurt too much, no one really expects their perfectly healthy loved ones to die. My brother, the youngest sibling, was shot and killed by a federal marshal last night. I got the news from my then hysterical aunt while I was out in the village. We immediately cut plans short and took a cab home while I tried getting the story from everyone. It’s one thing when God takes someone near and dear to you but it’s unacceptable in any situation for a human to take life.

The last time I saw my brother was last year when I brought my boyfriend to see my family. He approved of Alex. The time before that was 2005 when I came for my sister’s high school graduation.


(This was taken when we were getting my sister ready for her prom)

That summer he showed me how to play pool/billiards (and up to this day I can’t do it well) I was only good because he showed me where to hit the ball. He was so smart and I wish he had the chance to show the world. I admit he was so much more of an intellectual than I was. He was well read. He was a terrific gamer and always kicked my ass in every game. He always made me laugh. I always wished I was half as good as him when it came to making friends with new people. He can have a conversation going with anyone even if he hardly knew them.

For the past week, I had 3 consecutive nights where I dreamed that I had died. I am not superstitious but I do wish I knew what it all meant. I didn’t know that someone so close to me would have died. My mom thought it was the 3 bullets that killed him that I was dreaming about.

I loved Gilbert with all my heart, this is why I can only celebrate the amazing memories that I had of him. I had the opportunity to live life and see different parts of it and wish that he had the chance to do the same. I remember always promising him to reward him by coming to NYC if he complied and figured out what he wanted to do with his life. I wasn’t worried at the time because I knew if he ever needed help my sister and I would be there to help him anyway we could because he was the baby. I am deeply saddened that all this was taken away from us.





I might write a few more memory posts about him and I apologize. I am making plans to go to St. Croix for his funeral. I only ask for your prayers for my family throughout this.

9 thoughts on “R. I. P. Gilbert J. Thomas 1989-2008

  1. Sylvia

    How very touching and how very sad for you, your sister and yr parents – my prayers are with you all – be of good courage.


  2. Bernard Germain

    I read you plight and was both shocked and heartbroken. Why? So young with his whole life ahead of him. He could be anybody’s brother. I do not care what the circumstances were, but no one deserves to be killed in that manner. Especially such a plesant looking young man. My prayers are with you and your family.
    With deepest sympathy.

  3. kiki

    I’m sorry to hear about your brother. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.

  4. HectorS

    I’m sorry for your loss.

  5. Focusedfemalegem

    RIP Gilbert J. Thomas. I will pray for you and your family.

  6. Joymarie

    Your brother’s story is a very heartbreaking one. I pray that God grants you and your family peace through this incredibly difficult time..

  7. DiroSign-Media

    nice blog, i wish u a nice year 2011

  8. Attaining happiness | Design Lady NYC

    […] the simple things daily. I have been appreciating simple moments of life ever since my brother passed away. We don’t control the time that we die (unless it’s suicide — which is completely […]

  9. Raheem a.k.a Pampaz

    Da bin my best friend n will alwayz b.I miss him so much.when I think about him,it dos make me want2cry.I dos alwayz watch his picture n c how much a friend he was.tears men.I wish I could dream or see him in a spirit.we had so much good times2geda.I miss u bad men.Rest In Peace Gilbert Thomas.

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