Does it have to all the time?

Or can it be told
Possibly in a haiku
I will let you know…

This past Friday, I decided to check out a live poetry reading/open mic/poetry slam in my neighbourhood, since I’m sick. To be honest, I wasn’t really into reading poetry. Although I have favorites like Langston Hughes, James Joyce, Maya Angelou that I grew up with, I tend to stay away when people ask me to read their poetry. I have, however, written so many of them that I hope to publish them soon (they are being edited).

It might be because I assumed it was just angst or frivolous things that I wouldn’t be bothered with or just me not being amused. I used to prefer reading short stories.

However, this Friday changed all that. I had prior plans that got canceled and I walked around the neighborhood with someone and we went to a gallery with many people gathered. They asked us whether we would be interested, all they ask was for a $5 donation (fair).

We sat and I enjoyed it!

I recognized one guy from the reading. His name is Brad Bathgate aka Blue. I encountered him on the train last year January 2009. He was selling his book “Pretty Ugly,” I purchased it with the last $10 I had in cash. This time around, he was carrying a book that I also wanted that day but couldn’t afford called, “Don’t beat your kids or they will turn out like me” — I bought it this time around.

Some impressive recitals were also done by Yung Remix (an impressive 16 year old kid who rapped and it’s on his youtube page), Mike, Nikki Dee, Blue, Soulful John, etc. (I hope I spelled their names right).

Most of the deliveries had me close to tears. I look forward to attending more of them.

2 thoughts on “Doeth thy words rhyme

  1. A way with words | Design Lady NYC

    […] is my second time at the House of Art for a night of poetry (I went back  in August). Once again, I was very moved. The event costed $5 but I thought that they could actually charge […]

  2. Brad Bathgate

    Thanks for the love

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