Last night, I had a brilliant idea on what to blog about, however it got lost within my dreams. I started reflecting yesterday. It was between my wait at the doctor’s and the walk that I took along Jamaica avenue about the levels where my life needs to be. I has stopped at the Duane Reade and picked up Puffs Tissue that were Vicks Scented (Joy!). I thought a little about our economy and how all of my life, I had dreams of being a part of this country.

I know that I am truly lucky and no matter how many mistakes/regrets that I may have had, I realized that I learned from every one of them. I also laugh hysterically at many of them that were completely ridiculous. I laugh at people who say that they would have loved my life, only because I find it funny that I would have loved to have theirs. You see, it’s true what they say, “The grass is always greener…” How easy it is to say that you want things, however I have never been material – even if I do have a great deal of toys. Material things will never have value in my life, even if they aid fun to it. I value the lives of others because they make me who I am. I never realized how people impacted me. I also never realized that I may have hurt them because I never share a lot of myself.

Maybe it’s the enjoyment that I get out of people speculating. Speculation is interesting. My friends have always heard me say about my enemies, “I love how people make me important by thinking of me, because I never wasted time thinking of them.” Look how true it is, I think everyone loves sharing how far they’ve came and overcame hardships, overcame trials and tribulation. However, who are you to determine how much more difficult your life was compared to others? I can never say that I have had it harder, in fact – I feel very lucky to be here.

I spoke to an illegal immigrant once, they said they left a really good job in their country to be a maid in the U. S. That brought tears to my eyes. Here was a college grad, seeking a new life… who ended up cleaning people’s toilets.

I sat in that clinic yesterday and remembered that I payed $25 to be seen by the doctor and wondered why I wasn’t being seen right away. However, who am I to think that I am more important than everyone else who were waiting?

But guys, I am just rambling on something to talk about. I will post things that I am working on soon.

1 Comment

  1. Johanna Tysk

    I liked this entry, it’s cute how u’re not materialistic but u like toys 🙂

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