This photo is actually a lot more updated than Wednesday. I hardly got to take photos because my poor camera fell and died. Yes, on Tuesday.
I owned a Canon PowerShot SD770IS 10MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom (Black) but this week I upgraded to a Canon PowerShot SD780IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Deep Red) (I like Red).
Anyway the last day of MAX, I thought nothing could make this day any better. I won a free book on Monday so I finally redeemed it for something I wanted from the O’Reilly book stand.
I got: Adobe InDesign CS4 One-on-One since I don’t get the chance to learn InDesign at my current job.
Wednesday was also the day that I won CS4 Master Collection TWICE! Adobe was testing their Adobe Wave program where they give you a word and you go to their booth and say the word :-D.
The first time I was 2 of 2. The 2nd drawing I came in first and won it on behalf of my friend, Shweta. She was not getting my texts!
The day closed well with my other co-worker winning also. So, basically 3 of us went back home with CS4 Master Creative Suite… What does that mean? Upgrades will be cheaper (Thank God!).
So Sessions – It was a very chilled day since people who came for the preConferences were all leaving. Some people even caught it abit close by leaving right after their sessions.
I checked out: How to Create Vector Portraits with Illustrator which was ok. I didn’t like it because I didn’t learn anything new and I created a tutorial on how to do Vectors similar to this so I was sort of disappointed. However, the guy was talented. He’s from Heavenspot Digital Creative Agency (The website is amazing by the way! Although the preloader looks abit out there – I’m such a critique) Here’s some of his work that I loved:
I felt like a snob when I tweeted about not feeling the session but I was just disappointed.. because my vector looked like this when I left highschool:
It did make me feel like vectoring again however, so yes inspiration was gotten. Gotta love Flash Backs! I just wanted to learn more tips!
Next Session: Flash Catalyst 101 Hands-on Lab was not great either. I mean it was a great class and the instructor was nice and patient. This loathe was based on equipment, it wasn’t announced beforehand that we needed to uninstall the old Catalyst and install the new one in order to make the labs work well. So if you are going to use the Catalyst Beta, please uninstall the previous version if you had the older one – hence why this is called beta right! So since my laptop took forever to uninstall, I took the lab and went to the Community Lounge, which is when I won the first CS4 things 😀 so that made up for my unbalanced morning.
My other sessions were GREAT!
I had Css Tips and Tricks for Web Design with Stephanie Sullivan (@stefsull)! AMAZING! We learned “how to achieve design greatness while preserving industry standards.” She also showed tips and tricks that works for her, and her website is w3conversions.
My next one was by Tom Krcha – Social Media Experiences with Flash Media and RTMFP. RTMFP means Real Time Media Flow Protocol. This class was to learn how you can employ them in your online enterprise. View Session Here.
The very last session was InsideRIA’s Secrets of the Best Rich Internet Apps of 2009 (So Far). I began seeing tweets of people leaving adobemax via twitter and I was busy tweeting to my friends (shweta & russ) about CS4 that Russ won. I was basically on cloud 9 during this session. However I didn’t miss the Best RIA which were: Aviary, Balsamiq Mockups & Digital Tutors. I definitely will try out Balsamiq Mockups but I am very familiar with Aviary. They have a very cool program called Myna which they just announced. It’s a sound editor.
Right after this session, I met up with Russ, Shweta, Rachel, her co-worker and Mark we ended the night with a few drinks, chatting and food 🙂 Good times!
See you guys next year!
wow. Can’t believe you won the CS4 Master Collection TWICE. so cool. Thanks for doing these reports, Jerylyn. So interesting … make me want to go next year. 😉
Chris Boudy
Hey Jerlyn,
So I finally cleaned out my Google Reader and saw some of your new posts. Looks like you had a real good time at AdobeMax. I’ll have to make it up there one day for something like that!