In the past entries, I’ve been sharing various activities that I’ve been doing in NYC. I’m going to discuss one more: Boot Camp Training. I found a coupon online for 5 sessions and I’ve completed one thus far and it kicked my butt.

I care a great deal about my health. By constantly remaining active, I feel better and sleep better. So when I saw this I was all for it!

This is the website I had my session with Ariane and found out that she recently did a triathalon, that girl’s hardcore!

The bootcamp took place from the Manhattan part of the bridge and back. We did lounges, pushups, sprinting, speedwalking, running, curls, etc. The next day, I felt like I was hit by a truck.

She was impressed that it was my first time and I kept up. Point for me!

This was a great change of pace besides my 5 am runs.

I certainly intend to complete the next 4 sessions.

Another thing I’m trying is my very own exercise equipment:

This is the BodyForm Total Fitness Platform and the BodyForm Fitness Slider. I selected them at Brookstone (who provides free delivery), however I saw them on Amazon for the same price so it made sense to just get them there.

My gym membership ran out (even if it’s only $75 per year). The hours were not convenient to me so with my morning runs, yoga, bootcamp, pole dancing, calisthenics, and these two additions I should be fine!

I’ve never really had a specific routine so I’m going to try to log what I do daily which was inspired by my friend Francky who has stopped smoking for a month now – I’m so proud of this! No one usually listens to me when I preach about not smoking and he did. I know it was difficult for him to give it up. However, I am happy that he did.

It’s almost August, have many of you kept your resolutions to lose weight, start a healthy regiment or stop smoking?

2 thoughts on “Health matters

  1. Half-Marathon training | Design Lady NYC

    […] the brooklyn bridge tomorrow and turn it into a full body workout by using what I learned from the Brooklyn Bridge Bootcamp this past […]

  2. […] doing the hundred pushups challenge). I also started tango classes last month and signed up for bootcamp, boxing, pole dancing and belly dancing which I will be redeeming as time  passes and I need new […]

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